Monday, June 8, 2015

Our Father in Heaven

Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”
Mark 3:35

It is not really a question of how we are related by blood, (although one could scientifically make the argument that an atom never really dies or goes away – it is just more or less.  And in that we are all “of the same blood”). Our questions of family have more to do with links, roles and authority.

In much of the world the head of the family is often seen as the eldest male in the household.   In many places it is the female elder.   In our culture (which is very much based on the Greco-Roman model) we are used to the head being a male.  This was also true in the times when the Bible was put together.

And so we see the kings and public rulers and leaders in our scripture as mainly male figures with a few females such as Esther, Deborah, and Lydia in the mix.  AND considering Mary was a woman and the mother of Jesus – then God must be a male.  (We are very much people of reasoning – even when it comes to issues beyond reason).

So it should be no surprise that the name “Father” is missing in this text since we call God “Father” and God is present. The whole family, those who live out life in unity with the will of God, is present.  

Over the next 9 weeks we will be looking more closely at the Lord’s Prayer and how we can apply it – and live it out daily. 

As we pray – “Our Father”, we remember that it is all of us together, one family, praying – recognizing that we live this life together.  And if it is difficult (as it sometimes is) to call God “Father”, we might do well to remembering that God is bigger than our reasoning, God is bigger than our imaginations, and that God encompasses the “whole” of who we are.

We can come to this God – and pray with whatever image brings us closer to knowing the will and the love of God.  We can come to God knowing that God is already there – wanting us to know the expanse of love that God does have for us, each of us, and all of us. 

Welcome to the Family…

Pastor Erin

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