Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sent Out - Life is Good

As you have sent me into the world,
so I have sent them into the world.
John 17:18

This last week was the last week of Easter.  The Gospels tell us that Jesus ascends into heaven.  And the disciples are told to wait in the city until the “advocate”  the “Spirit” comes to them.  These words from John are actually from the prayer that Jesus prayed in the garden before he was taken away.  Jesus prays that the disciples might know God’s presence and protection as they continue to share the good news of God’s love for us. 

Yesterday in our worship time together we had 15 kids (ages 5-11) share with us a musical about life being good.  The conflict in the musical was the realization that life is not always good.  There is sadness, and confusion, and pain and sorrow.  And while that is all true – there is also an overarching theme that God is good.  And that God cares for us.

As simple as that is – it is very easy to forget.  As we journey through our lives and see all the changes in the world and question where God is when there is death and tragedy, we can be blinded by stories that would have us believe that God has abandoned us.   We can forget that Jesus prays for God to be with us – we can forget that God continues to guide us and does so through our participation as the body of Christ in the world.

Easter stories are all about where Jesus shows up in the world around us.  And the more we are able to share those stories the more readily we see God at work; even when tragedy strikes.  God is all around us.  It doesn’t mean life will be easy – but it can help us see that this life that God has given us is good!
Where is life good in your world this week?
Pastor Erin

Coming up this week at Trinity
Thursday, May 21 - CPK Fundraiser: Click for FLYER

Monday May 25 Memorial Day  - Church Office Closed

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