“And when his disciples James and John saw it, they said,
“Lord, do you want us to tell fire
to come down from heaven and consume them?”
But he turned and rebuked them. And they went on to another village.”
Luke 9:54-55
had a guest preacher this last Sunday, a pastor from Turkey, Pastor Ramazan
Arkon. He reminded us of the history,
current events and culture of Turkey; a country that spans 2 continents, holds
many of the earliest Christian church sites, and is now 99% Muslim. He reminded us how our actions, attitudes and
beliefs can impact the relationships of Christians and Muslims worldwide.
reviewed the racism that is a clear and pervasive tension in the biblical
narrative (Samaritans and Jews) and in the end he gave us a clear picture that
the ONLY way to change this discrimination and intolerance is to have
conversation and discourse in love.
is what we are taught by Jesus. We are
called to peace. We are called to forgiveness,
we are called to leave space for conversation.
space for conversation is especially important (and especially difficult) for
those of us who are in the majority. I
have learned that I cannot speak FOR my brothers and sisters who are oppressed,
but I can speak with them, and stand with them.
we need to have these conversations with our children. It is not enough to simply say “this is not
my issue” or “I am not racist”… we must admit that racism is still a disease in
our American culture and unless we are willing to be a part of the change we
remain a part of the problem.
ELCA presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton says it this way…“We need to be honest about the reality of racism within us and around
us. We need to talk and we need to listen, but we also need to act. No
stereotype or racial slur is justified. Speak out against inequity. Look with
newly opened eyes at the many subtle and overt ways that we and our communities
see people of color as being of less worth. Above all pray – for insight, for
forgiveness, for courage.”
Read the full letter here Letter from Bishop Eaton here http://download.elca.org/ELCA%20Resource%20Repository/long_season_of_disquiet_letter.pdf?_ga=1.227968345.578868222.1411494496
The issue may die down in the news, but let us be moved to
work together, led by the love of Christ, to build stronger relationships and
Peace to you in Christ
Pastor Erin
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