Monday, July 6, 2015

“Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven”

“Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven”
(the third petition of the Lord’s Prayer)

I have been thinking a lot about this petition in the last week.  In particular because of how we teach kids (and honestly ourselves) about heaven, and how we use our language to solidify this imagery.  Are earth and heaven really different places?  Some may say yes.  Some may say no, some may talk about the “thin places” where we can actually see/feel the heaven next to us.

What if we revised this petition just a little and said “Thy will be done on earth – as earth IS in Heaven.  If we can talk about God being all encompassing – why would it be so difficult to shift our thinking to the understanding that heaven is also all encompassing…

It’s maybe both comforting to believe in the possibility that we already are in the “space” of God’s home and compelling for us to live as though we are in that space. 

Would we live out our lives differently if we saw this earth as a part of heaven?   

May the peace and light of heaven surround you always. 

Pastor Erin

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