Well there it is - the cat is out of the bag . . . sorry teacher friends - free bird summer is over (it'll be back in 2014)
There is just something so exciting about the new year tools and gadgets, and class schedule (even if it was not exactly what you wanted) and new school clothes and shoes. There are changes and celebrations and reunions and gatherings and people come home from summer break refreshed and renewed and ready for something. (at least that is what we imagine our best selves like)
It's the same kind of thing in the life of the church . . . on a slightly different scale. You see - we also have Parties and Picnics and "Fairs" of sorts. We celebrate who we are as a community gathered to make a difference in the world. We welcome our each other back from vacations and summer trips. We breathe into the excitement of the fall. And we too have new programs and opportunities for people to gather and play and work and learn.
As a church body we seek ways that help us walk our faith walk in all aspects of life. Some may make sense for you, and some maybe not. But know you are invited to join in - whenever, however . . .
Here are a few things that are coming up . . . and watch for more information!
Rally Weekend - September 14-15
Outreach Saturday 14th
Car Wash, off site
Rally Sunday Sept 15 11a to 2p
Chili Cook-Off & Cornbread - $30 gift cert to winner
Silent Auction
Bake Sale
Ministry Sunday - September 22
Highlighting many of the ministries in which awe join together to live out our mission
New Member Orientation
(September 29 & October 6) Welcoming service on October 13
(September 29 & October 6) Welcoming service on October 13
Offering classes to help people integrate into the life of Trinity Lutheran
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