Monday, December 8, 2014

Prayer matters

And when the time for the burning of incense came, all the assembled worshipers were praying outside.
Luke 1:10

We are good at finding a focal point in many of our biblical stories.  This verse is from the narrative of Zachariah burning incense and learning that his wife Elizabeth would have a child (John the Baptist).  And while we sit and ponder his experience I think we might be remiss if we don’t take time to wonder about all those in the community who were outside of the temple.  What about all those who were praying for Zachariah and waiting for their own prayers to be answered?  What motivated them?  Who called them together?  What were their prayers about?

Prayer so often seem nebulous; a thought, a breath, a sigh.  How do we know? How do we know that we are being heard?  How do we know that it matters? How do we know…

My take on it is this – when we pause to focus on an issue or a concern or a celebration – when we make a conscious effort to name what is going on in the world, our minds are turned in that direction.  And our actions follow our thoughts and our minds. Maybe instead of asking if our prayers are making a difference in the world – we can ask if our prayers are making a difference in us. 

Do our prayers change how we relate to the world? Do our prayers bring peace? Prayer makes a difference because we, God’s created people, join together to bless the world

God’s work, our hands.

(Here are a few more places to read about why prayer matters)

Peace and Light
Pastor Erin

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 us.

I have been feeling a little unimaginative this week…so instead of my own words about Advent please enjoy some inspiration from Madeline L’Engle

First Coming
by Madeleine L’Engle

He did not wait till the world was ready,
till men and nations were at peace.
He came when the Heavens were unsteady,
and prisoners cried out for release.

He did not wait for the perfect time.
He came when the need was deep and great.
He dined with sinners in all their grime,
turned water into wine. He did not wait

till hearts were pure. In joy he came
to a tarnished world of sin and doubt.
To a world like ours, of anguished shame
he came, and his Light would not go out.

He came to a world which did not mesh,
to heal its tangles, shield its scorn.
In the mystery of the Word made Flesh
the Maker of the stars was born.

We cannot wait till the world is sane
to raise our songs with joyful voice,
for to share our grief, to touch our pain,
He came with Love: Rejoice! Rejoice!

May you know the peace and joy that already reigns in you.
Peace and Light
Pastor Erin