Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Entering into the Holidays

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats...”
Matthew 25:31-32

In a small group last night we were discussing this scripture that was read in worship. One person pointed out that we tend to make this passage very personal – individual…and yet – Jesus says “all the nations will be gathered”.  Could it be that this is really more about how we operate as a world community?

How different does that make the text – to consider how we are behaving as a country, or even a state, city, or household? 
The reign of Christ is a whole new social order – we are called to care for one another – as exemplified by the one we claim as King (or ruler of all).  We are called to serve.

One other piece of wisdom that was shared was the advice that instead of worrying about finding a place to serve the world and others – maybe we simply become more aware of the people and situations around us – and the service will appear.

A few notes as we enter into the advent season – if you are looking for an intentional spiritual practice or ways to become aware of God with us – here are some ideas…

1 - Join in on the contemplative advent (40 days of advent which started 10 days ago)http://contemplativecottage.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Advent-Calendar-2014.pdf

2 - Signup to be a part of digital meditation practice through instagram and get a word of the day from http://www.ssje.org/adventword  
(if you choose this one please add #tlcventura to your posts)

3 – Put together an advent calendar to do things with your family and friends or just pick some out for yourself. – here are some ideas  http://adrielbooker.com/family-advent-activities-christmas-countdown-fun/

Peace and Blessings

Pastor Erin

Monday, November 17, 2014

God Stories

Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?’ Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’  Matthew 25:44-45

I have been thinking about these God stories that the confirmation students shared with us last week; how these kinds of stories move us and shape us.  How we are inspired by hearing from one another about the presence of God in our lives and our relationships (for better or worse).

A good friend of mine was bemoaning the use of the word “Blessed” and how it seems so overused when people are feeling fortunate in their life circumstances – and the word is often missing when we talk about our sorrows.  Interestingly the word “Blessed” means “having a sacred nature, or connected with God”.

I believe that there are times in life when God seems hidden.  And as we enter into this season we must also acknowledge that it is a painful season for many in terms of losing loved ones, and jobs, and dis-chord with families and the like.  We ramp up the push to gather together and yet many are left out. 

This is precisely why our stories matter.  When we live with or through times of depression, anxiety, addiction, loneliness, sadness, loss we all need to hear the stories of God with to us.  Hearing the stories of others help us to review, recognize and celebrate our own connections with God and with others – as well as make new ones.

This coming Sunday we celebrate Christ the King.  It is the last Sunday of the church year.  Let us honor and celebrate that King by taking a few moments to jot down or share the stories of God in our lives.

May you find the tangible blessings in your Life.

Peace and Light
Pastor Erin

P.S. if you would be willing to take a quick anonymous survey regarding "wellness" ministries at TLC please click on the link  below.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Living a life "All In"

“Keep awake therefore, 
for you know neither the day nor the hour.
Matthew 25:13

“All In”  “Keep Watch”  “Be Prepared”

Post Halloween rush, Pre-holiday time, seems like a perfect time to talk about presence, and watchfulness and being prepared.  Sometimes that just sounds like a lot of extra busy-work…and I am fairly certain that none of us really need that.  I can also say with some certainty that “busy-work” was not something our creator intended for us. 

So what do we do with this tension of keeping watch and being prepared?  Is this a part of life in faith?  Is it a way of being all in…

Maybe living into our purpose and our life in faith can be as simple as changing the language we use – we are used to saying we "are busy" or we "are pre-occupied" or we "have little time to breathe”.  But in reality – we breathe all day long, our occupations and our life may be filled, but moving from task to task can have purpose.  Living into these next few months of so called “busy-ness” can happen with intention – and living with intention is not a “to do” list action – it is a “to be” life mode.

To be in a life lived with patience and forgiveness, 
to be a person of integrity and hope, 
to be ready…
because in the end – what it is to be ready has more to do with our hearts than the state of our homes or our bank accounts.

Heart readiness is a way of life, it is a watchfulness, it is a commitment to your faith and faith community…(whatever that might look like for you)

May you BE ready…

Peace and Light
Pastor Erin